
2021 Online KLAS Users' Conference
Below you will find the latest udpated about the 2021 ONLINE KLAS Users' Conference. Please let us know if you have any questions or need additiona...
Registration Fees and Call for Proposals for UC2021
We have an important update about KLAS UC 2021: finalized registration costs are now available! Our first online KLAS Users' Conference will o...
2021 KLAS Users' Conference Take 2
First, we want to thank everyone who responded to our 2021 KLAS Users' Conference Planning Survey. We heard you, and we're moving forward based on ...
January 2021 KDAC Survey
Your KLAS Development Advisory Committee (KDAC) member-representatives want to hear if you have input for our next meeting to be held January 19, 2...
Staff of Network Libraries for the Blind and Print Disabled using KLAS met for a virtual session on Wednesday, December 2 during the Online Nationa...
Time for a Refresh - Graphic: The next step
With the KLAS.com revamp successfully launched, we’ve started planning and looking ahead to reorganizing and redesigning KLASusers.com as well....
Future IRC User Relevant Events
Today's KeyNotes blog post is all about upcoming IRC / IMC KLAS user-relevant events, including: IRC KLAS Administrator Online Train...
KLAS at Virtual APH 2020 Annual Meeting
In addition to the move to an online meeting, the APH staff have also made some changes to the usual schedule. Things are starting a bit later each...
New KLAS Users' Group Vice President
I hope you are all well and in good spirits. It is my honor and privilege to announce that Michael Lang of the State Library of Kansas, Talking Boo...
2020 KLAS Users' Group Vice President Candidate
A link to vote in the officer election will be sent to a designated representative of each KLAS library / organization. The deadlin...
My Reflections on KLAS Users' Group Officers
I wanted to take some time today to write about a group of our users' that I get to spend more time with than most -- our KLAS Users' Group Officer...
As directed and defined by the most recent update of the Bylaws of the KLAS Users' Group as approved in June 2019, an election to select a new Vice...
Hello KLAS Users from Jen Buzolich, KLAS Users' Group Vice President! On behalf of your KLAS Users Group Officers, we hope...
We can always think of plenty of things to work on and improve, come up with new features, and generally decide how we think KLAS sho...
Online KLAS IRC Roundtable
I am excited to share a new online effort to bring IRC / IMC users of KLAS together for idea sharing, feedback, and networking. Jen Buzolich (Vice ...
Thank You!
As we’re getting close to a number of positions on our KLAS Users’ Group committees and Board of Officers, I wanted to take some time to say, ...
This is the final draft of the proposed bylaws changes for the KLAS Users' Group. Changes were made to allow for a smoother officer transition for ...
Connecting with KLASusers
Prior to the 2019 KLAS Users' Conference, Katy and I received a request to present about the different ways we send out communications and what pla...
An updated version of the KLAS User Group bylaws was presented to the KLAS Users' Group on at the annual business meeting on June 6, 2019. The memb...
Below is the presentation given at the NLS Western / Southern Regional Conference in San Antonio on May 8, 2019 in PowerPoint and .PDF format. ...
Below are the minutes taken during the KLAS Users' Group meeting held at the National Library Service 2018 Conference. ...
Below is the presentation given at the NLS Northern / Midlands Regional Conference in NYC on April 10. 2019 in PowerPoint and .PDF format. ...
Tips for dealing with klasusers.com FOMO
From Merriam-Webster.com: Defini...
You have heard Keystone staff say it before, and you'll likely hear us say it again. "It is the KLAS Users' Conference."...

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Keystone Systems, Inc.
8016 Glenwood Ave., Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27612